Powerful Prayers for Financial Abundance

Secret prayer is mighty! Use it with great caution!

When we feel that we lack abundance and prosperity, it is precisely the best time to start this Powerful Prayer for Prosperity and Abundance.

It is made to attract prosperity and abundance into our lives strongly. Also, among the prayers meant to increase money and wealth, this is a prominent prayer as it provides quick results.

I recommend you copy it on paper and start the change in your life now.

How to Pray the Strong Prayer for Abundance and Prosperity?

This Prosperity Prayer is aimed at difficult cases, in which divine intermediation is needed to obtain the abundance, money, and prosperity necessary to live calmly and calmly.

Thus, from the first moment you read the Strong Prayer for Abundance and Prosperity, you will see the enormous power it has.

You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands or feet. Some people even feel that they speak directly to the Almighty.

And be that as it may, with prayers for prosperity, money, and abundance powerful changes in your prosperity can arise in a few days.

What are the benefits of praying the Prayer of Prosperity and Abundance?

Among other uses, you should know that this is one of the most effective prayers for Abundance that exists since it will help you achieve multiple objectives and goals, such as the following:

– Recover lost money.

– Attract Prosperity and Abundance.

– Improve our economy (either with additional income or even a new job).

– Improve our bank accounts

– Clean up our finances and reduce debts by the grace of God

Before finishing, I want to send you my blessing and positive wishes so that you may achieve all the Prosperity and Abundance thanks to the intermediation of this Powerful Prayer of Prosperity and Abundance

Powerful Prayer

Father, I make it my habit in life to meditate on Your Word. 

It shall never depart from my lips. I speak of it when I walk by the wayside, when I lie down, and when I rise up. 

I teach it to my children and my children’s children. 

I keep it on my mind constantly. It encompasses all of my conversations so that I may think and say the right things at all times. 

By Your Word, Father, my days and the days o f my children are multiplied, and I live as the days of heaven even while on the earth. 

Father, I commit myself to the keeping of Your Word. 

I make it the final authority in all circumstances. 

I know that what You have promised is true. 

I cling to You with all that I am, Lord. 

I declare that nothing shall keep me from what You desire for me to have. 

My purpose is to please You in every way. Increase me in strength, Lord. 

Make me a strong and powerful person of influence on this earth. 

Guard my back against the attacks of the ungodly. 

Put the fear and dread of me on the hearts of my enemies. 

May they hear Your report of me and flee in stark terror. 

You have given me the choice of living under Your blessings or living under the curse. 

The choice is mine. Therefore, I choose the blessings. 

Through Your Word, I choose the abundant life that You have called me to live. 

Father, I choose to be known to You as a tither. 

You are the Lord of my harvest. Therefore, I gladly give You a tenth of my increase.

I will not expect Your prosperity without honoring You for what You have already given me. 

I know that my tithe guarantees Your partnership with me in all of my financial endeavors. 

For me, it is a seed of strength that fills me with Your anointing. 

By following the precepts of Your system, I enjoy favor and power so that I am successful in everything I set my hand to do. 

Father, I am so grateful that Your desire for me is to love life and see good days. 

Through Your blessing, I enjoy good things of every kind. 

I thank You that it is Your perfect will that I drive a nice car and live in a beautiful home. 

You want me to have the best things in life. 

You bless my family, friends, pastors, and associates for my sake. 

The poor and needy find provision through me. 

What an awesome, wonderful God You are! 

You make life so satisfying for me. All praise be to Your holy name. 

I give my whole heart, soul, and mind in submission to the Word of God.

I meditate upon it in its entirety. 

I bind all of His statutes as if they were a sign upon my hand and an ornament before my eyes. 

I write them on the doorposts of my houses and upon my gates. 

By the Word of my Father, the days of my children are multiplied. 

I love Him and walk in all of His ways. 

I am resolved to attach myself to Him in love. 

He is my example and is ever with me.

He drives out my enemies from before me and dispossesses them. 

Every place that the sole of my foot treads is mine. 

I hereby claim it for the kingdom of God. 

There is not a soul in all of creation who has the ability to triumph over me. 

He sets before me the choice of living under His blessing or living under the curse. 

The choice is mine. I can be blessed if I choose to believe in and adhere to His Word and the statutes therein, or I can be cursed if I choose to reject them. 

I choose the blessing! 

I am faithful to pay a tithe on all of my God-given increases. 

It is holy to the Lord, and I will not rob Him of it. 

It is my tithes and offerings that provide for the work of the gospel. 

As I provide for the gospel, God provides for me.

When I tithe, I have His promise that He will prosper all of the work of my hands. 

It is a declaration that my finances are under the rulership and guardianship of Almighty God! 

In Jesus’ name. Amen

Trust, ask him from your heart.

Some Important Recommendations

You can Read some Special Prayers on our Site like

Prayer Point for Money Help and Angel Message for Today: Miracle Wisdom from Heaven and Also Can Join your Youtube Channel and Facebook Page

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