Only Prayer That God Hears And Never Fails

The only Prayer that God Hears! Mystery in the Bible. This Prayer will never fail so you must share it with your circle.

People tend to talk more often about money than about faith and many may think that they are separate and incompatible stages, but it is essential to know that in the Bible there are more than two thousand scriptures that refer to money or financial issues, demonstrating that neither the economy nor any other human problem is foreign to the divine word. God already knew that he had to teach his favorite creation to do the right thing with money.

People who manage to see money not as a goal, but as a means to achieve a more important end, such as a house, food, medicine, paying for services, and personal needs, can be satisfied because they have understood the reason why God has placed the idea of ​​money and wealth in the human mind.

Certainly, without the possibility of being able to exchange goods using a currency as a measure of value and a medium of exchange, the people would panic and conflicts of greater magnitude would soon begin. But in order to contain the evils related to money, values ​​such as justice, equity, and mercy, among others, must be associated with it.

The Bible has very clear words to express it: “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. “

Prayer for prosperity is a great help for those who need to improve their situation, both financially and personally. That is why we invite you to read this publication to find the biblical text that best suits your reality or needs.

Prayer That Never Fails

Father, I thank You for Your power and protection. My enemies cannot make me afraid.

I shall see my desires upon them. I will win every battle and continually set the enemy to flight. 

You have blessed me so that I can be a blessing. I have dispersed and have given to the poor. 

My righteousness will be remembered forever, and my horn shall be exalted with honor.

I know that nothing that I do is in vain. You see all, Father, and You remember. 

You promote me according to my deeds. The wicked shall see it and be grieved. 

They shall gnash their teeth and all that they desire against me shall perish. 

When evil reports come, I remain steadfast. My heart is established and unwavering. 

I have made my choice. I will trust in my Lord! 

Thank You, Father, for prospering all the work of my hands. 

Thank You for the promotions and raises that provide me with the resources to give without sparing. 

I choose to be a cheerful and bountiful giver, not an indolent and greedy person who is always expecting something for nothing. 

I will not choose the ways of death due to laziness. My ways are the ways of life.

Thank You for giving me a balanced perspective. Great riches, without honor, have no appeal to me. 

Therefore, in all of my dealings, I choose to maintain a good name and procure favor with You and all of my associates. 

Father, keep me from a heart of greed. Make me know the proper balance between saving and spending. 

Fill my home with Your choice treasures and fill my heart with the wisdom to maintain it. 

I am not a lazy man who never has his desires satisfied. 

I am one who gives without sparing, and my life is satisfied with all good things. 

Through hard work and the application of God’s laws of increase, I have all that I desire and more. 

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold. 

My name is more important to me than all of the riches of the world. 

By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honor, and life.

I humble myself with a deep and solemn trust in my heavenly Father, and He brings me wealth, honor, and a good life in return. 


Some Important Recommendations

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