Listen To This Psalm 91 Prayer For Our Sons & Children

Listen To This Psalm 91 Prayer For Our Sons & Children

The prayer is based on the scripture in Psalm 91, which speaks of God’s protection and promises of safety for those who trust in Him. It is a prayer of faith and confidence in God’s love and cares for our children, and it covers various aspects of their lives, including their health, safety, relationships, and spiritual growth.

As you listen to this Psalm 91 prayer for our sons and children, you’ll be inspired and encouraged to entrust your children into God’s hands and to believe that He is able to keep them safe and secure in all circumstances. This video is perfect for parents who want to start their day with a positive and uplifting message of hope and faith.

This is a powerful and uplifting prayer that is specifically designed for parents who want to pray for the protection and well-being of their children.

Prayer for Our Sons

Father, in the name of Jesus, I lift up my children to you right now.

I thank you that they dwell in the secret place of the Highest and abide under the shadow of the Almighty, according to Psalm 91.

I declare that you are their refuge and their fortress, and in you they trust.

I thank you that you will deliver them from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.

No evil shall befall them, and no plague shall come near their dwelling.

Father, I declare that your angels are encamped around them, to protect them and to keep them in all their ways.

I thank you that they will tread upon the lion and the cobra, and trample the serpent underfoot.

Father, I pray that my children will always set their love upon you and know your name.

I thank you that you will answer them when they call and that you will be with them in trouble. You will deliver them and honor them.

With long life, you will satisfy them, and show them your salvation.

Thank you, Father God, that every single day of their lives, Lord Jesus, they walk under a hedge of protection.

We come against evil and wicked schemes and plots of the devil against them.

No weapon formed against them is going to prosper, and every tongue that rises against my sons in judgment you will condemn.

Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my sons.

I declare deliverance over them. They will always be delivered from the snares and the traps of the enemy.

And Father, I thank you now that my sons walk uprightly before you.

Father, I thank you that, regardless of what it looks like, my sons will serve you all the days of their lives.

I pray for a hedge of protection around their minds.

I pray for freedom in their minds. I pray that they walk in peace.

The Bible says you would keep them in perfect peace as long as their minds have stayed on you.

I thank you, Lord Jesus, my sons will not walk in lust and lustful behaviour, but they will walk, and they will not fulfil these lustful desires of their flesh.

Father God, I declare that my sons will prosper and be promoted in everything they do.

The Bible says that you are the judge, and Lord God, I declare right now that they will always be lifted up and never be torn down.

Father, I plead the blood as I pray for success in their lives.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22 that my sons will be successful as they humble themselves before you and are humble before you, God.

Thank you that you will bring wealth and favor and blessing in their lives along with prosperity and protection.

God, thank you, Lord Jesus, as I pray that you will put godly influences in their lives.

Keep my sons from evil and wicked influences.

I pray for godly men in their lives that can influence them for good and never for evil.

Father, I boldly declare that I will never visit my sons in jail.

They will always be free – free to serve you, free to love you, free from schemes, free from wickedness, free from the devil, in the name of Jesus.

I pray for the women you have for my sons, that they will be godly, anointed women of prayer, women of God.

You keep my sons from Jezebel spirits in the name of Jesus.

Now, Father God, I thank you in the name of Jesus that my sons are blessed.

My sons are blessed. They are blessed.

I will not walk in fear concerning my sons because I know that you protect them and that you keep them.

You are our refuge and our strength. You are a very present help in a time of trouble. Amen.

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2 responses to “Listen To This Psalm 91 Prayer For Our Sons & Children”

  1. Avatar

    I just wish I had car to get to my docs and just some get by . And I’m not asking for new car a used would work. Amen.

  2. Avatar

    I just wish I had car to get to my docs and just some get by . And I’m not asking for new car a used would work. Amen. And also so I can go to get food I live way out country and I don’t have much.. and so hard to get. Any one to help me