Jesus Will Grant You Healing Miracle Today

Jesus Will Grant You Healing Miracle Today

Jesus will grant you a healing miracle today if you pray this powerful prayer now. Read with faith and share with you all Circle Friends for the sake of prosperity. Don’t Skip Me! If you Pray Now I will Heal Your Pain

The miraculous prayer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so that, by request with faith and trust, we may be granted a divine miracle that glorifies us and gives us the opportunity that the spiritual entrustment that we make to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be attended. Also, you will be able to provide yourself with body and soul to the Savior, and thus be forgiven of all your sins for which you are sorry.

With these prayers on video, I will teach you the blessing of Jesus Christ to get a healing miracle.

His simple and poetic teaching sprinkled with parables and announced a future of salvation for the humble, and found leadership among the poor. His popularity intensified when the miracles attributed to him by his followers became known, considered as proof of supernatural powers and direct accusations against the moral hypocrisy of the Pharisees, which reinforced the concern of the Jewish priests and authorities, and accept to live on according to the values ​​that Christ taught

All these facts and anecdotes that Jesus lived during his existence were the primary basis for the establishment of Christianity since he is the son of God born of the Virgin Mary. The image of Jesus of Nazarene is well proportioned, his face almost perfect, eyes lowered and inclined forward, with a straight nose, half-open mouth, parted beard, and a very palpable sore on his left cheek.

The image represents Jesus standing and the artist who sculpted it knew how to imprint on his face the sadness and melancholy of the pain of the Lord’s Passion. He wears curly hair and a crown of thorns, he wears a violet velvet robe, and on his back, he carries a heavy cross. It is a devout and venerable beautiful image.

Every day there are more devotees who raise their pleas and requests to Jesus of Nazareth, he is our faithful guardian, guide, and protector of our steps, he is always with us in any situation, good or bad to help us, as long as we have infinite faith and know how to direct our prayers and supplications, these being the most enriching of divine spirituality and we implore each day to purify our soul and connect with God so that with his divine goodness and generosity he removes all our sufferings and helps us not to faint and get up from any problem whether family, health, economic or social.

Healing Miracle Prayer

Father, I know that the blessing of Abraham is upon me. 

I am a blessed person made to be a blessing to the world. 

Sickness and disease have no part in Your blessing. 

I am blessed in all things, which includes my health. 

Therefore, I shall live to a ripe old age, praising You for Your goodness every day of my long and abundant life!

You are merciful and gracious. 

You do not see me through the stain of sin but through the eyes of grace. 

You had Jesus become the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 

Through His shed blood, the power of sin is broken and I have been set free. 

Therefore, Father, I will not let my past hinder me any longer. 

Teach me the good way in which to walk. 

When the enemy besieges me with his foul sicknesses and diseases, remember our covenant. 

I am Your born-again child and heir to Your kingdom. 

In Jesus, I live and move and have my being. 

As I spread my hands to You and speak Your Word, cause Your healing power to flow through every fiber of my being.

I serve the Lord my God and He blesses my bread and water.

He has taken sickness from my spirit and I am healed in my body.

My children shall live a long, full, and abundant life.

The Lord fulfills the number of my days on the earth.

I honor my father and mother, as the Lord has commanded me. 

My days shall be long and it shall go well with me in the land which the Lord my God is giving me.

I have a heart for my Father. I keep His Word and follow His ways.

By His precepts, it goes well with me and my children after me.

I walk in all of the ways of God. He is my mentor and the example by which I live.

I obey His every command.

His Word is life to me, and I will obey it so that it may go well with me and that I may live long in the land that He has given me.

In Jesus’ name


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