You Will Receive A Miracle In The Next 24 Hours 💚👑 Just Listen St Jude Thaddeus ✨

Saint Jude Miracle Prayer

Saint Jude Thaddeus is known as the patron of difficult or impossible causes, and also for his miracle.

He was one of the 12 disciples who accompanied Christ, and who was in charge of spreading the Faith after his death.

When Christ died, Saint Jude Thaddeus, along with other disciples, traveled a large part of Mesopotamia and Persia. He finally perished as a martyr to the tyrannies of the pagan priests of the day.

Finally, it was only after his death that, thanks to the requests that the devotees benevolently implored, he raised his soul, and became a Saint through the various miracles that were corroborated by the Catholic Church.

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Saint Jude Miracle Prayer

Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of. 

Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone.

Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. 

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings.

That I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. 

I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. 

May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time.

May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. 

St. Jude, pray for us and hear our prayers.

Pray for me who is so needy; make use, I implore you of that particular privilege accorded to you to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired.  

I promise you, O blessed Jude to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you.

O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invokes your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance.  

Help me in my present and urgent petition.  In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked.  St. Jude prays for us all who invoke your aid.  

St. Jude the oft-forgotten, You shall be remembered be.  We hail you now in glory and have recourse to you for help, for the despairing, when hopelessness seems the task and from the Heart of Jesus through you we favors ask.

St. Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus. You saw His compassion for the sick and dying. You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing.  

Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, I place myself into your hands at this difficult time.  Help me to know that I am not alone.  

Please pray for me, asking God to send me comfort for my sorrows, bravery for my fears, and healing for my suffering.  

Ask our loving God to strengthen my faith and give me the courage to accept His Will for my life. Thank you, St. Jude, for the hope you offer to all who believe in you. 


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