We all need a miracle of prosperity or money. I don’t know what your need is, but God does know, for this reason, he instructed me to carry out this activation for people who receive this blessing, who need a miracle, through faith.
Maybe you have to pay a debt and you don’t have the money, maybe your company is not working as it should, it’s stopped, there are no sales and you don’t know what to do.
You need clients for your business, you don’t know what to do, or who to turn to, you are anxious, and you are afraid because you see that what you built with so much effort is falling apart.
Maybe you have to sell a house, it has been for sale for a long time, but until now you have not made it happen.
You look for a job and you can’t find the right one, you think you don’t have conditions, that you don’t measure up, because the demands are many.
Everything you need is impossible for human eyes, but possible for God, for this reason, we created this activation to activate the magical energy of a miracle of prosperity.
Don’t stay paralyzed, not knowing what to do. There is a solution that comes from God. For this reason, we created this activation to activate the magical energy of miracles. Activate your faith positively and make a miracle manifest. Watch this video, with these words you will receive money overnight.
Money Prayer
Father, I thank You for my salvation. Through Jesus’ substitution, I have received an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.
I am now identified with all that He did. There is nothing that can hold Your blessings from me.
I receive them through Jesus alone. I receive them by grace. I do not earn them.
I just thank You for them. Sin is no longer an issue. I now reign in life through Christ Jesus my Lord!
Since You did not spare Your own Son but delivered Him up for me, I know that You freely give me all things.
You have proven Your desire to bless me. I will not listen to Satan’s lies.
I will receive Your blessings and live the abundant life that You have called me to live.
Father, I will not listen to religious rhetoric that claims You do not bless Your children materially in this life.
You are a God of increase and prosperity. You have promised over and over that You will bless what I set my hand to do.
It is a good thing for me to expect an abundant harvest. I know that You are causing Your favor to rain upon me. The angels are working for my increase.
Nothing that I have set my hand to do will fail. On the contrary, my borders are increasing and my accounts are overflowing!
I choose to keep my priorities in order. Love is the center of all of my actions.
I do not seek profit for selfish gain. I seek profit so that I may be a blessing on this earth.
God has joyfully given me the free gift of grace, justification, and righteousness.
His gift to me has no strings attached, but He gives it to me for free so that I may have continuous fellowship with Him in a legitimate Father and child relationship.
The gift of God to me is not like the result of Adam’s sin; for by Adam’s sin, judgment and condemnation fell on me without choice.
Freedom and justification, on the other hand, are offered to me as a free gift.
What shall I declare about all of this? If God is on my side, where is there a formidable foe or worthy enemy?
God didn’t spare His own Son but gave Him for my salvation. Shall He not freely and graciously give me everything else as well?
I will not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. I firmly believe that the laborer is worthy of their reward.
Therefore, I will not hesitate to seek profit for the things that I accomplish. I am worthy of payment for what I do.
I have every right to expect a return on my giving as well. I live in a kingdom where I am blessed to be a blessing.
I give, and it is given back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.
If I speak in the tongues of men or angels but do not walk in love, all of my talks amount to nothing.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and knowledge, and if I have the kind of faith that can move mountains but do not walk in love, it is all worthless.
In Jesus’ name,
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