Old Hidden Prayer In The Bible That Produces Miracles

Old Hidden Prayer In The Bible That Produces Miracles

Ancient prayer in the bible produces miracles. You will be shocked!

Here is the prayer that “is known to have never failed, offering the request for the spiritual benefit to the one praying or the person being prayed for”.

It is important to keep in mind that God is not a magician and that we should not expect Him to miraculously grant all our wishes. God is our heavenly Father, infinitely good and full of love for us, his children. He knows better than we do what we need and he wants our happiness. Even if at times we have the impression that he is not listening to us, the Lord is with us and never abandons us.

Remember: God always answers our prayers. But we don’t always expect the answers we receive.

Old Hidden Prayer

Father, I truly do love wisdom. It is indeed the principal thing. 

You will not find me keeping company with those who despise the truth. 

To the contrary, I am a companion of the wise, and I spend my substance sensibly so that through me You may receive the honor and glory that You deserve. 

Riches are not the object of my desire. My one desire is to honor You. 

My pursuit of prosperity is not for greed but for love. If riches were to draw me from You, I would be the most wretched of people. 

My first thought in all things is to work Your system in order to advance Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and in this, I do abound with blessings; but the greatest blessing of all is just to be Your child. 

You have placed a dream within my heart. Open it up to me so that I may understand it and run with it. 

Give me a vision and a goal. Strengthen my hands as I actively fulfill Your call on my life. 

Father, I will not be double-minded. I choose to be a man/woman of my word. 

Set a guard over my mouth and teach me the folly of rashness. Help me not to give my word hastily. 

Build in me a character that exudes trust, confidence, and self-control. Help me to be the person I am created to be. 

I refuse to give my allegiance to material things. I shall not serve money or find my satisfaction in the abundance of my wealth. 

I love and serve You and You alone. You are my strength and my portion forever. 

I will not forget that the profit of the earth is for all. There is plenty to go around. 

Therefore, there is no need to be covetous and miserly. 

My increase does not dwindle when I give but increases all the more. 

I give and it is given unto me: good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over. 

I love Your system, Father. I choose the way of the giver! 

I am not a fool who spends his substance on revelry and harlots. 

What I have is the gift of the Lord. I will not dishonor Him with lustful living. 

I keep falsehood and lies far from me. I am not overly anxious about poverty or riches. 

My focus is always on the Lord. He will provide my daily bread—the portion of my inheritance as a child of the King. 

Therefore, I will remain content in whatever state I find myself in. 

The Lord has placed a dream within my spirit. 

It is a blueprint of what He wants me to do to advance His kingdom on this earth. 

I dedicate my life to the fulfillment of that dream. 

I will not allow my mouth to cause my flesh to sin. I do not make vows without considering the cost. 

My word is important to me. It is the wellspring of my reputation.

Therefore, I consider my word carefully before I give it because when it is given, it is going to be kept. 


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