Prayers for Money

With prayers for money In 3 days, you will be shocked by the fast Results. So get ready with excitement and Share this post fastly.

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God loves it when his 

children have a lot of money. 

What breaks His heart is when they 

have it but refuse to do good with it. 

He blesses us, not only for our sake 

but for the sake of others. 

“We are blessed to be a blessing.” 

(Gen. 12:1-3.) 

God is conforming us to be just like Him. 

He freely gives us all things to enjoy. 

He wants us to live in comfort 

and prosperity just like He does.

Say this Powerful Prayer to Attract Wealth and Infinite Prosperity

Prayers for money in 3 days 

Father, I thank You for the system of seedtime 

and harvest that You have set in place. 

You have given me an abundance of seeds to sow. 

I can sow favor seeds and reap a harvest. 

I can sow love seeds and reap a harvest. 

I can sow cash seeds and reap a harvest. 

I commit myself to recognizing that I will 

reap what I sow. From now on I will 

recognize that I always have a seed of blessing 

that I can sow into another person’s life. 

While the earth remains, I can absolutely 

count on seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, 

summer and winter, and day and night. 

These fixed and certain laws remain on the earth. 

Therefore, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt 

that I will reap what I have sown. 

When I sow my seed, I can count on a harvest. 

(2 Corinthians 9:6-10; Galatians 6:7,8) 

Father, I thank You for separating me from my 

old life. The old things have passed away and 

all things are becoming new. 

I now bind myself to You as my first and most 

vital necessity. I commit my way to You, 

for I know that You are directing my paths. 

I am fully aware that I am blessed with Jesus Christ. 

You bless me and make my name great. 

You shower me with Your abundance and 

make me a blessing on this earth.

I give freely of my substance and do what I can 

to bless the people around me. I thank You, 

Father, that You bless those who bless me and 

curse those who curse me. 

Through me, everyone in my circle of 

influence is blessed. I have been called by 

God to fulfill the destiny that He has for my life. 

He has made me great and has blessed me 

with an abundance of all good things. 

All of my needs and desires are fully met in Him. 

If I honor God, He has promised to promote me 

to a position of prominence. 

I am blessed and I am a blessing. In this awesome 

prosperity that I enjoy from my heavenly Father.

I have plenty for myself, with an abundance 

leftover so that I can be a blessing to others. 

God blesses those who bless me and 

curses those who curse me. 

He brings me to the place of abundant favors 

and confers on my happiness and prosperity. 

(Jeremiah 29:11; Hebrews 12:1-3; 2 Corinthians 9:8,9)

Father, I recognize Your covenant and the 

reasons for my prosperity. I know that if 

I follow Your way, I will increase more and more. 

I understand that it is Your will that I have extreme 

abundance so that I can be a blessing on this earth. 

The things I produce on the job are filled with Your anointing.

You have placed your command of blessing 

upon all that I set my hand to do, and the result 

is an abundance of silver, gold, and their like. 

I am blessed just like Abraham because I serve 

the same God. He is my Provider, and He is in 

lack of nothing. God is a God of abundance who 

rejoices in my prosperity. 

In Him, I have an abundance in all things. 

(Genesis 30:43; 1 Corinthians 2:9; 2 Corinthians 6:10;8:9)

Type “Amen” if you agree.

You are Blessed.

You will always be in Abundance, 

no matter what form it comes in.

Remember that true peace and wealth 

are in your mind. You are here to enjoy a 

balanced life, including all the money you want.


Type “Amen” if you believe that

God is conforming us to be just like Him. He freely gives us all things to enjoy. He wants us to live in comfort and prosperity just like He does.

Say this Prayer for Miracle in 3 Days. You will receive wealth and abundance after saying this prayer for 3 days.

Some Important Recommendations

You can Read some Special Prayers on our Site like

Prayer Point for Money Help and Abundance Prayers -How to Pray To Win The Lottery and Also Can Join your Youtube Channel and Facebook Page

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10 responses to “Prayers for Money Just In 3 Days”

  1. Avatar


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    Amen Amen Amen

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    Amen I have received my blessings.
    Amen Alelujah

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    AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏

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    Amen my blessings is coming
    Im feeling it

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    Amen 🙏

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