Love is Gods Greatest Gift

Love is God’s Greatest Gift

Speaker: John Hagee

God’s love for mankind is the best gift a Christian could ever wish for. When God saw you through the eyes of love, he was looking at your potential. 

God Almighty is love and we love him because he first loved us from the creation of the world. God’s Love is everlasting, it is unconditional. We cannot love without God. God is love and only in Him do we get to know what true love is. 

At the end of the day God loves you. Remember that.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13


Dear God,

If I could speak every language in the world, but missed the language of your love, the music of my life would be nothing but noise.

If I could speak the future, and knew every secret of your perfect plan and even possessed a colossal knowledge, but failed to love others, my life accounting would equal zero.

If I sacrificed all my time, my resources, and my body, I could hold bragging rights, but it would be a total loss without love.

You are love. You are patient and kind.

You have removed my sins as far as the east is from the west.

God, your love never gives up on me and endures through every circumstance.

You love me with an everlasting love.

I can’t wrap my head around your enormous love, but I trust you in it.

Thank you for being the greatest of everything.

Thank you for being love.
