Only Jesus Can Set You Free

Only Jesus Can Set You Free

Speakers: Larry Gregory, Joel Osteen, Andy Stanley, Gregory Dickow

When you are finding it difficult to progress, you need to break the chains holding you down to a spot. Paul and Silas were tied with chains so as to hold them down, when they prayed and sang, God shook the prison and the chains were broken. We must use the authority, as Christians, in the name of Jesus to break the chains.

He has good plans for those who love Him and we claim the promises from His Precious Word in the sweet Name of Jesus. Amen

Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11

Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.

Acts 16:26


Heavenly King, I lay down my life before You, I surrender my all to You. Help me, Oh Loving Father, to break these chains of temptation. Tear down these strongholds that are weakening me. Bind every evil spirit that attempts to lure me into the dark abyss.

These evil entities try to control my thoughts daily. I rebuke them, in Jesus’ mighty name! The hand of Lucifer will never fall on me, Oh Lord, for I am covered under Your precious Blood.

Lead me. Guide me. Walk beside me, so that I may not stray or fall by the wayside. But if I do, Lord, please pick me up and hold me in Your loving arms.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I break all those chains of temptation. Sin no longer has a hold on me. My eyes are on the Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!