Seek His Kingdom First

Seek His Kingdom First

Speakers: Brigham Lee, James MacDonald, Samuel Wuytack, Joyce Myer

Keep the faith in God no matter how bad things may look like at the moment. If you put Jesus first in life, everything else will fall into place.

When you learn to put Jesus above everything, ultimately, nothing else matters because the Holy Spirit will guide you throughout your day and ‘any’ situation.  What a beautiful gift knowing you do not have to take on challenges alone.

Try it, you will not be disappointed.  Learning and being taught that spirit of discernment protects you from many, many disappointments from people and/or trials.  ‘Hallelujah’ for the Holy Spirit being that steering wheel in our lives.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:33


Blessed be your name God, thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Thank you for the abundance that awaits me in heaven. On earth, help me to seek first your kingdom, not my own wealth. Teach me to work to expand your kingdom, not my own. Help me to walk by your word, not by my own selfishness. 

Lord, we are seeking your salvation, living in obedience to you, and sharing the good news of the Kingdom with others. God, help us to keep our eyes fixed on you. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.