God's Love Is Deeper Than Any Pit

God’s Love Is Deeper Than Any Pit

Speakers: Joyce Meyer, Shane Baxter, Rick Warren, Kyle Idleman, Joel Osteen

Whether in the pit or the palace, praise God! Praise when the business is up and praise when it is down.  From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.

If you find yourself in a situation where everything is going wrong and you are struggling physically, emotionally or spiritually, then maybe you are in a pit experience. 

God is in absolute control at every single point of your life, whether you have deliberately taken yourself into a stupid situation, or whether you have had something happen that is totally and completely beyond your control. You have to get your picture of the Lord right. He knows the trouble you are facing. Our Father will lift you out of this pit experience in His time and place you on a firm rock. You will be able to look back on this time and say, “God has rescued and restored me”.  

The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

Exodus 15:2


Grace-filled God, after You pulled me up You gently put my feet on solid ground so I could walk without stumbling! You knew that I would need a firm foundation – a safe place to learn how to walk securely and upon which to dance with delight once again.

Father, You helped me to find my balance when I was teetering on the edge of an abyss. I was so afraid I would fall in, for the pressure felt so great and the storm was insatiably vicious. But You held out Your hand to me in the midst of it all and graciously rescued my thoughts from the temptation to give in to despair…and set me down where I could no longer be battered by the taunts and lies of the enemy of my soul.

You stood me up on the Rock that is Christ Jesus! Amen