The Best Prayers Line of today related to gratitude activation
You can be a millionaire if you manage to believe in yourself and convince yourself that you have the ability to generate businesses that allow you high incomes of money.
Being a millionaire is a choice in life.
If you aspire to BE A MILLIONAIRE, then choose that lifestyle with authority, where you will define the financial goals that allow you to meet that expectation and dedicate yourself with an overflowing passion to your projects. The power of choice is demonstrated when you stick to following a plan and every day you confirm your initial decision, until finally fulfilling it.
Prayers Line
Millions of dollars are coming to you.
Just Say Thank You
Feel the gratitude and Say:
“Thank you for this amazing,
beautiful gift of life.”
Through the activation of the
sacred numerical code 3333,
You can activate this Power of Gratitude,
with the powerful words “THANK YOU.”
This is the most powerful affirmation
that you can pronounce.
These simple words have incredible
magnetic powers. Say it 3 times in a row.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
If you need a miracle from God,
don’t hesitate to thank God daily for
the abundance in your life,
without thinking about what you lack.
Gratitude to God is an Unparalleled
Power that Moves the Hands of God.
When you can be grateful for what
you have in your life, you are prepared
to receive what you want.
God has His hands open to give you in
Abundance His wonderful gifts,
much more than you could ever imagine.
Vibrate in tune with the energy of gratitude
and the loving angels and Beings of Light will bring what you desire into your life
333 Gratitude Activation
Lord, Almighty God, I place this
Exercise in Your Hands, to activate
the energy of gratitude, through your
servants, the loving angels and beings
of light that flow into my life now.
1- Thank you, thank you, thank you,
with all the power of my intention
I express my gratitude for everything
I have and for what is yet to come.
2- The more Gratitude I feel, the more
Conscious I am that the Provision is Infinite.
3- I feel grateful for who I am.
4- Thank you, thank you, thank you,
because I express my unique talents
and that makes me prosper.
5- Thank you for knowing that it is
more beautiful to give than to receive.
6- Thank you God because I hear
your voice and your grace in
every heartbeat that I breathe in you.
7 – Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Because Abundance Flows To Me,
From Expected And Unexpected Sources.
8 – I feel grateful because
everything I undertake prospers.
9- I Feel Grateful for my Vision
to connect with Abundance.
10 – Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
for My Home Is Full of Peace.
11- I appreciate my Ability to See and
Hear, to Feel, Taste and Touch.
12- I give thanks for being alive here and now.
13- Thank you, thank you, thank you
I am happy attracting and sharing all the
opulence that reaches my hands.
14- I appreciate the work I have,
which I do with love.
15- I give thanks because
I can do what I like.
16- Thank you, thank you, thank you,
to the Universe for all the Blessings Received.
17- Thank you, for the people who
passed through my life, because they
have left me an apprenticeship.
18- Thank you because I can see the
light of this new day and feel gratitude.
19- Thank you, thank you, thank you
because I am in this world to fulfill my purpose.
20- I give thanks for my income and
I know that I prosper wherever I go.
21- I appreciate my Past Experiences Because They Are Part of the growth in my Soul and that of My Whole Being
22- Thank you, thank you, thank you
because I love myself and because God loves me.
23- I appreciate my Perfect Health.
24- Thank you for my relatives,
friends and because I enjoy them.
25- Thank you for the whole nature
and the life that is in it is wonderful.
26- Thank you for the unique
talents you have given me.
27- My whole being is filled with Gratitude,
which comes out of Me in all directions.
28- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
For the Presence of the loving angels and
beings of light that fill my life with Happiness.
29- Thank you Universe for
reorganizing to fulfill my wishes.
30- Thank you, beloved Angel
for coming into my life.
31- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
for the wonderful family I have.
32- Thank you, because
I feel sure of who I am.
33 – Thank you for God’s Infinite Provision.
34- Thank you, thank you, thank you,
my God, the more gratitude I feel, the more
aware I am that Your Provision is Unlimited.
35- Thank you my God for the mind you gave me.
36- I feel grateful for the gift
of faith that I have.
37- Thank you, thank you, thank you
because I can be grateful and be happy.
38- Thank you, because the more I
thank the more Blessings come into my life.
39- Expressing Gratitude Makes me
Feel good, It is a nice thing in my Life.
40- Thank you, thank you, thank you,
in my heart there is a place
It Is Done. Thank you, Father.
Say “Amen” if you Agree and Decree.
Say “Amen” and how you will use your rewards and prosperity to help others in this life.
That’s it you have to Recite These Prayers with Believe and Faith good news is Near to you. If you Want to appreciate Us Write In the Comment Box Below
You can also read these Prayers in Video Format
Affirmations to be a millionaire.
The use of affirmations has proven to be very effective in achieving a radical change in mentality and experiencing that inner strength that inspires you to act with absolute determination towards the fulfillment of a goal.
Example of some affirmations to be a millionaire:
I am a millionaire!
I easily find projects where I can make millions of dollars!
The more money I earn, the more motivated I feel!
I am an inexhaustible source of wealth!
Through the influential friends I have, I find opportunities to earn a lot of money!
It is a pleasure for me to find business opportunities!
I am part of the creative abundance, so I have accumulated great wealth!
Money has made me a better person!
I visualize the profits that I am going to obtain and I achieve them!
And so on. If you repeat these affirmations every day, your words will become beliefs and what at some point was just a word, will later become a life experience. With the use of the MILLIONAIRE MIND program, you will not have to repeat those expressions, but you will simply listen to them and thanks to the silent technology, this will happen in an imperceptible way at a conscious level, but internally the ideas will arrive and will be recorded with force, allowing you a radical change of mentality. After using these audios the flow of prosperity will come into your life to stay, your dream of being a millionaire will come true.
You can Read some Special Prayers on our Site like
Bible Verses for Money that Work Immediately and Abundance Prayers -How to Pray To Win The Lottery and Also Can Join your Youtube Channel and Facebook Page
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