No matter how powerful the enemy that today has risen against you and your family is, trust only in God who is the Almighty and will give you victory after reading these Prayer Against The Enemies.
When you are confronted with enemies that are ready to put you to shame. If you have been tied down with sickness and pain when things aren’t working out well for you. Pray these powerful prayers to bring the wicked down. Whoever is seeking to harm you will not prosper.
You will have to say a prayer against witchcraft enemies, prayer for enemies attack, prayer for workplace enemies, prayer for victory over enemies, prayer for enemies at work, prayer for protection against evil enemies.
Silence your enemies and remove every enemy with this powerful prayer. Say this one prayer and God will fight your battles.
It is said that in the world we will always find people who, due to adverse circumstances, consider us their enemy. Although in a way it is the best; Because why call them friends, if they only want to see us destroy that is why the prayer of God asking for protection against the enemy is really effective.
Therefore, if we have friends, for what enemies? Also having our lord by the hand, next to us and it is gratifying. Since his protection will be present in every moment of our life. Preventing people from being able to harm us and in a certain way can take them away from our life.
Without a doubt, there is power in prayer to God, since glory flows from him. That is why God is the only one in his mercy. Furthermore, his protection is always at our fingertips. Therefore below is the prayer to God asking for protection against the enemy.
Throughout our lives, we meet people with whom we do not get along at all well and they become obstacles. It is never good to have enemies but they always come into our lives that is why we must cling to Our Lord God with a prayer to defeat enemies, He will give us the wisdom to defeat them and remove them forever from our life.
We must always remember that despite wanting to defeat our enemies we have to follow the path of good, otherwise we are becoming the same as them and we are moving away from the path of God. We must be mature enough to face them with a good attitude, without hurting or hurting anyone, always by the hand of God and thus we can remove those bad people from our life.
In order to get rid of bad vibes and bad people from our lives, we need all the help of Our Father, with this prayer God will fill you with courage and wisdom to face your enemies and defeat them at once.
Driving away and defeating our enemies, so that our life is freed from all evil and we can enjoy peace, joy and love in our days, is an important reason for which to pray.
Let’s start Prayer Against The Enemies
When you are confronted with enemies
that are ready to put you to shame,
If you have been tied down with sickness and pain
When Things aren’t working out well for you
Pray these powerful prayers to bring the wicked down
Whoever is seeking to harm you will not prosper
Powerful Prayer Against your Enemies
In the mighty name of Jesus, I overthrow
all transactions contrary to my breakthrough, may
every power stopping answers to my prayers disappear.
By the blood of Jesus, I shake down the seat
of darkness in my heavens, I reject the power
of satanic human government over my finances
In the name of Jesus
Those that have used the power of leaves and
dust against me, I decree a halt of your government
over my life. I turn the table against every sorcerer
in the place of my employment, business or work.
No evil person will prosper in the place of my employment,
business or work, All satanic power can no longer
kidnap my spirit in the name of Jesus
I decree and declare great casualty upon evil enemies
operating in my neighbourhood, the judgment of God
shall torment the powers of darkness working against me
both at night and in the morning.
The night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic
powers that are standing against me. I command the storm
of destruction to gather upon every satanic power that
is against my health in the mighty name of Jesus.
Right now my prayers have become earthquakes and
storms in the camp of the devil that is against my life.
The Lord shall gather his armours against powers that
are against my intellectual growth.
May all sickness in my life, known or unknown, receive a
heavenly storm, all conspiracy against any part of my
body receive destruction now in the name of Jesus.
I break out of your spell now Satan.
In the name of Jesus, I command the deep
wells within me to be unblocked and break forth!
The storm of the Lord shall pursue and overtake
all powers conspiring for my demotion. From now on
all my enemies will start to fight themselves.
I decree confusion into the camp of my enemies
In the mighty name of Jesus.
Favour is my name. The devil has nothing on me!
He only has one option, either to be beaten or be beaten
he was, he is and he will remain a loser.
I am never alone. Either we are controlled by the Holy Spirit
or controlled by demons. Right now I pray against any demon
working in my life, by the Power of the Holy Ghost I break
every chain that they have used to connect themselves to me.
I speak freedom, healing, deliverance and
breakthrough In the name of Jesus.
Today, I decree and declare that I am a curse breaker,
no curses that run over bloodlines can stand the blood
of Jesus, all generational curses are being thrown
over a cliff. In Jesus mighty and matchless name,
That’s it you have to Recite These Prayers with Believe and Faith good news is Near to you. If you Want to appreciate Us Write In the Comment Box Below
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As we know, actions that threaten our peaceful existence and this includes gossip, bad eyes and bad tongues can cause great harm not only to our person but also to our family.
Perhaps today you are afraid for the giant that you have in front of you, which is used by the devil to truncate all your plans and purposes, Satan has the purpose of stealing, killing and destroying, and is willing to cause fear and discouragement in your life. Satan may seek to formulate in your mind and heart a negative thought of God; you will not be able to handle your problems, God is not with you, He forgot about you.
In short, there are times when we doubt the truth and efficacy of the Gospel because our hearts are filled with fear and discouragement by so many ugly and difficult things that we face in the journey of our Christian walk. The truth is that God is with us and for us, in such a way that any work of the devil, any barrier and all his strength, no matter how powerful, will be demolished, because God is our strength and our protection, so, we can end the evil of the evil one. Don’t hesitate or be afraid, just trust and carry on!
The Bible also says:
“I have told you these things so that you may find peace in me. In this world, you will face afflictions, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”
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Prayers Of Jesus-Money Prayers Jesus Love and Abundance Prayers -How to Pray To Win The Lottery and Also Can Join your Youtube Channel
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