Good morning! Please Pray Now this Prayer! MAY ABUNDANCE COME AND ALWAYS STAY IN YOUR DAYS We are here withBest Miracle Prayer read this prayer and share them with your Circle

Miracles always start with a prayer, do it with all your heart. Put all your faith in her if you want the miracle to happen, firmly believe in the power and grace of God, speak to him from the soul and accept his will because he knows you too much and knows what is really good for you.

Calm down, God has heard your prayer and the miracle is already on its way. Do not let sadness and despair affect your thoughts or your feelings, continue to act from reason; You have been very patient and you have also fought with all your might, stay calm, because that miracle that you have asked for so much is yet to come.

Miracle Prayer 

I am created in the image and likeness of almighty God. 

I have been given authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, and every creeping thing on the earth. 

I am a representative of God’s authority and likeness and have been given rulership of this planet. 

He has blessed me and commanded me to take dominion over it and subdue it for His glory.

I have abundant favor with God. I am just and righteous, and I walk in continual fellowship with Him.

I do all that the Lord commands me to do. When I sow my seed, I can count on a harvest.

While the earth remains, I can absolutely count on seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night.

These fixed and certain laws remain on earth. Therefore, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will reap what I have sown.

God has abundantly blessed me with good things of every kind.

God created me to live and walk in dominion.

The Lord has provided me with all of the resources on earth. 

All things are His, and He has made me a steward of His riches on this earth.

I have been called by God to fulfill the destiny that He has for my life. 

He has made me great and has blessed me with an abundance of all good things. 

All of my needs and desires are fully met in Him.

If I honor God He has promised to promote me to a position of prominence. I am blessed and I am a blessing. 

In this awesome prosperity that I enjoy from my heavenly Father, I have plenty for myself, with an abundance left over so that I can be a blessing to others.

God blesses those who bless me and curses those who curse me.

He brings me to the place of abundant favors and confers on me happiness and prosperity.

I walk in the power of God’s favor. I am treated well by the authorities and, through Jesus, I gain an abundance of possessions.

I am blessed just like Abraham because I serve the same God. 

My God is my Provider and He is in lack of nothing. 

He is a God of abundance who rejoices in my prosperity. In Him, I have an abundance in all things.

It is God, and none other, that has made me rich.

In Jesus’ name,


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