Ancient Prayer which produces Luck, Always Works

Ancient Prayer which produces Luck, Always Works

Prayer for Money and wealth, Holy Spirit, Powerful Prayer to attract and receive money unexpectedly, from everywhere and wealth. This wonderful prayer given by the Holy Spirit is for the immediate release of Money and Wealth, the flow of permanent money and wealth in abundance, prosperity, success, and prosperity.

Prayer for Money and wealth, Holy Spirit, Powerful Prayer to attract and receive money unexpectedly, from everywhere and wealth. This wonderful prayer given by the Holy Spirit is for the immediate release of Money and Wealth, the flow of permanent money and wealth in abundance, prosperity, success, and prosperity.

When we cannot achieve financial economic stability, we feel frustrated, we become negative, our faith fades, it is as if we had no more strength, and we begin to think that everything is meaningless, that is why make an effort if it doesn’t matter, nothing will change.

Then there is a chain of thoughts, emotions, vibrations, and a negative attitude, which makes us feel paralyzed, incapable of all initiatives, decisions, and doing something to reverse this situation that anguishes us and that does not allow us to have peace or express our unique talents.

Ancient Prayer for Luck

I am asking you, for good luck and success to come my way.

Rule my life, Make my day, and let me be blessed by your gifts.

I am ready to receive your gifts with an open mind and an open heart.

Challenges will help me grow. Obstacles won’t stop me.

No more negativity around me but luck and success within and around me.

I can see the glory, I can feel the fulfillment, and I embrace it all.

I surrender my agendas, timelines, and desires to you. 

I trust that you are leading me towards solutions of the highest good for all.

I step back and let you lead the way.

I’m ready to surrender my judgment. I welcome the presence of love to guide me back to truth and grace.

Thank you for helping me heal this. I forgive this thought, and I choose to see love instead.

I surrender the false perceptions I have placed upon myself. I forgive these thoughts and I know that I am loved.

I release my fear and I am ready to choose love instead.

I realize I am out of alignment with my true nature. Help me see this from the perspective of love instead.

Thank you for guiding me to perceive this fear through the eyes of love.

Thank you for helping me see this obstacle as an opportunity. I will step back and let you lead the way.

Help me see beyond my limitations. Expand my perceptions so that I can return to love.

Oh, Divine Light, purify my soul with your burning light flame. 

Send your healing love to my heart, my temple within.

I allow myself to feel completely abundant unconditional love and know I Am, I Am All That Is.

I pray for long life and good physical, spiritual, and mental health.

I give praise to all those who have cared for me, protected me, guided me, and loved me.

I AM now choosing to cleanse myself and release all thought forms, beings, situations, and energies that are no longer of service to my highest and greatest good.

Across all planes of my existence, all universes, and all lifetimes. 

I ask that all energies less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all.


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One response to “Ancient Prayer which produces Luck, Always Works”

  1. Avatar

    That was a really good prayer. Amen