Waking Up Often Between 3 to 5 AM? Say this 3 O clock prayers and change your life. You can also do this at 5am prayer. This is a powerful spiritual time.
WHAT DOES MY ANGEL WANT FROM ME TODAY? The natural state of your soul is calm and harmony, and therefore to find calm you only have to find your spiritual essence, your divine essence. Perhaps you wondered for a long time where you should look for calm but you were not aware that you could only find it within yourself. Your Guardian Angel wants from you today: That you be aware of your soul, it is always in search of the truth, of the love of God.
If you get up between 3 AM and 5 AM,
it is a sign that God is trying
to tell you something!
Pay close attention and you will
receive an important message.
Jesus said:
“At three o’clock, implore My mercy,
especially for sinners; and, if only for a
brief moment, immerse yourself in
My Passion, particularly in My
abandonment at the moment of agony.”
3 am is a very special time to worship God.
This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world.
When you pray to God, you are talking with
the Creator of Universe, The Great I AM.
Say this prayer at 3 am to show Him
that you are serious about Him.
During this time you can easily connect
with God, and you can be confident that
He is listening to you.
After this prayer, ask anything you need.
You will receive a unique blessing.
3 o’clock Prayers
You died, Jesus, but the source of life flowed
out for souls and the ocean of mercy
opened up for the whole world.
O fountain of Life, immeasurable Divine
Mercy, cover the whole world and
empty Yourself out upon us.
O Blood and Water which flowed from
the heart of Jesus as a Fountain of
Mercy for us, I trust in You!
Say 3 times:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One,
Holy Immortal One, have mercy on
us and the whole world.
Say again:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One,
Holy Immortal One, have mercy on
us and the whole world.
Say again:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One,
Holy Immortal One, have mercy on
us and the whole world.
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly
Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins and those
of the whole world.
O Holy and Eternal God, in whom Mercy
is endless and the treasury of Compassion
inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and
increase Your Mercy in us.
So that in difficult moments, we might not
despair nor become despondent, but with
increasing confidence, submit ourselves
to Your Holy Will, which is Love.
I commit myself to Your care. Mold me in
your image. In everything I say and do,
let my mind be on the eternal goodness
of heaven rather than the vanities of earth,
meaningless pride, or the anger and envy
that tear apart my precious soul.
I dedicate myself to your holiness, Oh sweet
and innocent Christ, and pray that you may
be with me, to check my tongue before it can
speak evil and to stop my hand when
it seeks to sin.
I come to you as a child. I will look to you for
guidance and wisdom. Let me know the joyful
feeling of having done something that pleased you;
Let me never feel the pain of knowing I have
disappointed you. And let me live without fear,
without confusion, always steady in the certainty
of your forgiveness and ultimate victory, I pray.
I approach Your Heavenly Gates with a
grateful heart. I bless Your Holy Name and
submit the honor and praise that is due unto You.
Beautiful Lord, I was created in your image,
fearfully and wonderfully made to be the
light in this dark world.
Father, please guide me in a plain path of
righteousness, according to Your will and glory.
You are the Omnipotent Potter and I am the clay.
Shape me, mold me, use me and fill me each
and everyday to become more like Christ.
I boldly choose to live for You and You alone.
Infiltrate into my heart, into my soul and into
my life so I can be transformed into Your image.
Father, please take complete control.
Increase as I decrease, as Jesus becomes
the center of my heart and my life.
Draw near Oh Lord, as I step out today into
this unholy land. Let each and every step
I take be a step closer to You as I begin
the journey of thinking and acting as my
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!
And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God
Luke 6:12
Prayer is the master key.
Type “Amen” if you believe in miracles.
Say “Amen” and how you will use your rewards and prosperity to help others in this life.
That’s it you have to Recite These Prayers with Believe and Faith good news is Near to you. If you Want to appreciate Us Write In the Comment Box Below
You can also read these Prayers in Video Format
Your soul seeks calm and peace always in divine love. Deep in your soul, all is well, that is where you meet your eternal father and recognize the most absolute good.
This is the interpretation your Guardian Angel gives you of TODAY’S GOSPEL 01/11/2022: My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. — Exodus 33:14
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