The Best God’s Financial Abundance Prayer

The Best God’s Financial Abundance Prayer

One of the major chunks of Prosperity comes from Financial Health and It Ll be great if You’ll get God’s Financial Abundance so recite this prayer and share them with friends too 🙂

Father God, I recognize the times in which I live. I know that Your anointing is accelerating on my behalf. 

I am living in the days when the plowman overtakes the reaper. I reap an abundant harvest even as I sow my seed.

I recognize what You are doing. Make me a vessel that provides for Your kingdom in these last days. 

I know the love that You have for me. I know how You care for me and watch over me with a relentless eye. 

I have no fear, for I know that You are with me. When enemies rise against me, You bring them to nothing in my presence. 

All that I have is set apart unto You. You are my partner and my friend. I will trust in You and never be afraid. 

Father, You are so good to me. Your blessing is upon me and will never leave me. 

I take my place among the redeemed. My seed is prosperous. 

My vine gives her fruit and my ground produces abundant increase. 

The heavens give me their dew, and You cause me to possess all of the blessings of Your kingdom. 

Your anointing is upon me; therefore, I will let my hands be strong. 

I will never fear, for You are within me to strengthen me, shield me, and prosper everything that I set my hand to do. 

I am not afraid of what the world thinks. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 

I am always able to give. The Lord’s blessing is ever with me and I am faithful to support His church. 

I am living in the day of God’s inconceivable blessings. His abundance is accelerating on my behalf. 

My harvest springs up all around me even as I am sowing my seed. 

The mountains around me drip with new wine and the hills pour out God’s blessings, making my harvest one of matchless quality and value. 

I have no fear when enemies or competitors take counsel against me to destroy me. 

They know not the God who dwells in my heart. His strength brings me victory in every situation. 

I cannot be defeated and I will not be overrun. He has gathered them like sheaves into the threshing floor. 

Therefore, I shall arise and thresh — armed with the Lord’s own power and miraculous ability. 

My seed grows well, and my vine yields its fruit. 

My ground produces crops in abundance, and the heavens drop their dew down upon me to ensure my prosperity. 

This is my inheritance as God’s son/daughter and covenant partner. All of this has become a present fact in my life. 

I no longer need to bow my head against mockery. I stand firm in my covenant and walk in the riches of my inheritance. 

I am known to be a blessing. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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