Profit Prayer |Produces Money In Abundance

Profit Prayer |Produces Money In Abundance

Ancient hidden profit prayer in the Bible that produces money in abundance. The bible has many prayers that can help you attract miracles and blessings. But many of them are hidden by people who don’t want you to know about their power.

Be very careful and pay attention to what I will reveal to you.

This hidden prayer from the Bible is well known and offers powerful miracles to the faithful who pray with infinite faith and with great humility before God.

This MIRACLE prayer will grant you the opportunity to see fulfilled in your life all that you desire.

If you say the words with your words, the strength of the will of God, the miracles you least imagine could be fulfilled because God had worked in your life in a good way.

Remember this prayer in the morning, after getting up, and the night before going to sleep=

Profit Prayer

Heavenly Father, I present myself before Your throne in Jesus’ name and by His precious blood.

Father, it is a privilege and an honor to be able to present me before You like this. 

I don’t take it for granted. I know that it is Your love that has brought me here. 

You have embraced me as Your child, and I find my dwelling place between Your shoulders. 

I stand boldly before You because of Your grace and mercy. 

I have no fear because I know You, Father, and I trust in Your love. 

Father, I know that You have given me Your Word to bring me into the life that You have called me to live. 

I make my choice right now, before You and all of heaven; I will believe Your Word without reservation. 

You are not a man that You should lie, nor the son of man that You should repent of what You have said. You said it and that settles it. 

Father, I know that there are more than are on my side than what my eyes can see.

I know that what I see is not the whole truth.

Therefore, no matter what I see, no matter what the circumstances are showing, I will continue in faith. 

I know that You are on my side no matter what I am facing. 

You are my comforter and my unfailing provider. 

I refuse to trust in my bank account, my credit rating, my paycheck, or anything else in this world. My trust is in You. 

You alone are deserving of all praise, honor, and glory. 

Your Word says that Your eyes look throughout the earth for someone to whom You can show Yourself strong. 

Here I am, Father. Show Yourself strong in me. I believe in You. 

I know that You will prosper me as I meditate on Your promises and speak them to you in faith. 

Father, I know that my gift will make a way for me. 

No matter what happens in my life, You are with me. 

If I am falsely accused and unjustly judged, it cannot stop Your anointing. 

I prosper wherever I am and whatever my situation. 

Your favor resides with me at all times. 

Even those who have been set against me end up granting me a favor. 

No matter what situation I am in, I will recognize Your presence

Everything I set my hand to do prospers because You are with me. 

When things look grim, I’ll just keep right on going. 

Nothing can get me down, because my partner is the Lord of all. 

Your favor is such a blessing to me. I know why You bid me ask. 

It is because of the anointing of favor that You have placed on my life. 

I ask and receive that my joy may be full. 

Through Your favor, I spoil the camp of the enemy! 

I believe that I am about to experience prosperity as I’ve never known before. 

I believe this because I believe in Your Word.

I present it to You now in Jesus’ name. 


Trust, ask him from your heart.

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