Remove the Evil Eye

With this prayer, you can combat the evil eye effectively , because if we have faith, nothing and no one will cause us harm or pain. Read these Prayers to remove the evil eye with Faith and Share it

However, if we understand the evil eye as a psychic attack, the best protection, and prevention against it is the purification and strengthening of our energy field and our environment. Likewise, let us not feed the evil eye by believing in it. Our fear and constant worry in these cases reinforce the negative energy and make us more vulnerable. Take preventive measures, protect yourself and focus on something else.

Fortunately, the best way to overcome it is by raising a prayer, because with it we attract good feelings from God and drive away any evil or danger that is around us.

It is necessary that we pray with fervor and dedication so that the Lord enlightens us and removes the evil eye from our life or that of our loved ones.

Prayer to Remove the Evil Eye

Father, thank You for the clarity of Your Word.

You have made it abundantly clear that You want me healthy and that as Your covenant child no sickness can befall me to overtake me. 

Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law. 

He has eradicated every one of these curses from my life. 

Your Word is clear, Father. I am blessed! Sickness has no right to reign in my life. 

In Jesus’ name, I am free!

I am redeemed from the curse of the law. 

I do not have to tolerate the curses of the covenant, for I am in Jesus and am firmly established in His righteousness.

I will not allow any of the curses of the Law to come upon me and overtake me.

I am redeemed from confusion and rebuke in the enterprises I undertake.

I am redeemed from destruction and shall not perish before my time. 

I am blessed to live a long, full, and satisfying life. 

I am redeemed from all pestilence that brings agonizing death.

I am redeemed from tuberculosis, cancer, and the progressive wasting of the body.

I am redeemed from fever.

I am redeemed from inflammation.

I am redeemed from the effects of drought.

I am redeemed from blight and decay.

I am redeemed from mildew.

I am redeemed from the sun scorching my garden.

I am redeemed from the ground choking my roots.

I am redeemed from powdery soil and dust.

I am redeemed from being defeated by my enemies.

I am redeemed from the fear of my enemies.

I am redeemed from boils.

I am redeemed from tumors.

I am redeemed from malignant diseases, which cause a discharge.

I am redeemed from scurvy (bleeding gums and livid skin patches).

I am redeemed from scabies, hives, rashes, and all skin diseases which cause an itch.

I am redeemed from madness. I have a sound mind and keep a clear head in every situation.

I am redeemed from blindness.

I am redeemed from confusion and the unsettling of the mind.

I am redeemed from indecision for lack of direction.

I am redeemed from being robbed.

I am redeemed from others sleeping with my spouse.

I am redeemed from others taking from me what I have built for myself.

I am redeemed from others gathering and taking my harvest from me.

I have sown my seed and I will reap an abundant harvest.

I am redeemed from my animals being taken from me.

I am redeemed from my transportation being repossessed.

I am redeemed from my belongings being taken from me and given to my enemies.

I am redeemed from my sons and daughters being taken from me and given to other people.

My hands are given the power to prevent this.

I am redeemed from strangers consuming the fruit of my labor.

I am redeemed from being oppressed and crushed continually.

I am redeemed from exhaustion in my heart, my eyes, my mind, and my spirit.

I am redeemed from having my life hang in doubt so that I do not know what the future holds for me.

I am redeemed from being worried and having no assurance of what will take place in my life.

I am redeemed from hating life because of anxiety and dread due to the curses of the covenant.

I am redeemed from being sold again into slavery and hated so much that people see me as not even worthy of bondage.

I am redeemed from all of this! None of it may come upon my life!

I am in Christ Jesus and He has set me free!

Type “Amen” if you believe that

The Video Format of this Prayer is here

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