Padre Pio’s Secret Weapon Prayer

Padre Pio's Secret Weapon Prayer

Powerful Prayer: Do this every morning and Cure All Disease

Healing prayer of Padre Pio, discover the prayers to this great Italian saint, with devotees all over the world, which will allow your rapid healing, from any illness, and which can also, as in life, restore the health of your relatives or your loved ones.

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, Italy, 1887-1968, according to the canonization granted by Pope Saint Paul II in 2002, due to the many miracles he performed during his long life of 81 years, and the miracles that after his death Despite the controversies, wounds similar to those inflicted on Jesus of Nazareth, which was visible on his hands, caused in his life, continue to be attributed to him, despite the controversies.

Padre Pio was a Capuchin friar, consecrated to Saint Francis of Assisi, he achieved his ascent as a priest in the year, teaching his first years of priesthood at the Marcotte Convent, and then in 1910 he moved to the San Giovanni Rotondo Convent, an institution the one that would link the rest of his life, and from which he would dazzle the world with his miracles, which position him as an amazing miracle worker, of recent times.

There are numerous miracles that Padre Pio performed in life, consecrated to Saint Francis of Assisi and faithful devotee of the Virgin Mary and of Jesus Christ whose stigmata he held in his hands. Saint Pio was known for his gifts of bilocation and for having the gift of knowing the thoughts of those who approached him or were praying to him, even without knowing who was praying to him, for this reason, Padre Pio’s Healing Prayer is an effective means to achieve his miracles.

Padre Pio’s Secret Weapon Prayer

Father, I hold fast to Your mercy. 

You do not look upon my sin, but You see me through the eyes of grace. 

Your love for me is stronger than death and as unyielding as the grave. 

Your forgiveness is everlasting. By Your grace, I stand, and by Your grace, I am healed. 

Jesus bore my shame on the cross and by His wounds, I am made well.

You don’t give commands for the command’s sake, but so we can live the abundant life You have called us to. 

Father, I know that You are tending to my best interests. 

Your compassion for me is endless and Your heart’s desire is to bless me in every way. Therefore, You have my heart completely. 

I will do what you tell me to do so that it will go well with me and my children after me forever!

I make my unwavering choice to walk in Your ways. Open the eyes of my understanding that I may know Your Word thoroughly. 

Engraft Your precepts in the tablet of my heart so that I may live my life the way You have called me to live it. 

With You as my guide, it shall go well with me and I will live a long, prosperous, and healthy life.

I thank You for our covenant. Thank You for loving me, blessing me, and multiplying me. 

Thank You for causing Your anointing to flow through my life so that I have all that I need and more. 

Thank You for taking all sickness and disease away from me so that I can live my life in health and vitality. 

You are good to me. I have not earned, nor do I deserve, any of these great blessings based on my own merits, but You give them to me freely. 

Through Jesus, I am now under Your covenant protection. None of the terrible diseases of the world may cling to me. 

I know that I have a responsibility to live right on this earth. 

I understand the laws of seedtime and harvest, and that if I sow to my flesh, of the flesh I will reap corruption. 

Therefore, I will do what is good and right in Your sight. 

I will not fill my body full of sugar and fat and then expect to live healthily. 

On the contrary, I will feed it what it needs and care for it as the holy temple in which You dwell. 

Guide me in my efforts, Father. Give me a revelation of Your Word that it may go well with me and with my children after me.

Thank You for the clarity of Your Word. 

You have made it abundantly clear that You want me healthy and that as Your covenant child no sickness can befall me to overtake me. 

Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law. 

He has eradicated every one of these curses from my life. 

Your Word is clear, Father. I am blessed! 

Sickness has no right to reign in my life. 

In Jesus’s name, I am free! In Jesus’ name, I am made whole in every way!


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