Most Powerful Prayer to Receive a Miracle of Money and Economic Stability

Most Powerful Prayer to Receive a Miracle of Money and Economic Stability

Listen carefully to the end of this Powerful Prayer and you will receive a Money Miracle. This prayer contains the keys to why you are surely vibrating in shortages and it will teach you through the Word of the Lord to correct those defects and receive God’s blessing, so that money ceases to be a concern for you and your family and you can dedicate more things. important in life!

Dedicate these 5 minutes and you will be surprised at the results! And if it has helped you, share it! you would help more people to live with dignity!

The strongest prayer is to receive a money miracle and financial stability for you and your family.

Attracts wealth. This is the secret to attracting and manifesting wealth, money, and abundance into your life. Change your Paradigm of scarcity for Opulence, of Lack for Opulence, This is the true Secret to Attract Abundant and Unlimited Wealth into your life.

Becoming aware of Deserve. To the extent that you believe you deserve, you are vibrating in the same tune with Wealth, Money, Opulence, and Abundance of all good. Attracting wealth is a full responsibility in your life. No matter who or what seems to be influential in your life, everything you experience begins with your own thoughts.

Most Powerful Prayer

Father, I choose to give willingly and not grudgingly. When I have the means to give, I do so. 

I know that You do not see things by amounts but by percentages. 

You are not impressed by the gift but by the heart behind the giving. 

Therefore, I choose to be a cheerful giver who believes in Your promises. 

You always supply all that I need. When I give, You cause men to give back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. 

I thank You for making me the spiritual offspring of Abraham through faith. 

I am a recipient of the same blessings that were bestowed upon him. 

I receive it because I believe. I am a person of faith, and I am blessed with faithful Abraham. 

I thank You for my redemption. I recognize that I have been bought with a price. 

Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the Law. The power of poverty has been broken over my life, and I am now free to pursue profit and prosperity. 

The blessing of Abraham has come upon me through Christ Jesus my Lord, and I have received the promise of the Spirit through faith. 

You bless me and make my name great, just as You did father Abraham. 

You shower me with Your abundance and make me a blessing on this earth. 

My eagerness to give is matched by my actual giving. 

I do not allow stumbling blocks to get in the way of my generosity but give as the Lord wills whenever I have the means to do so, for it is my willingness and readiness to give that makes my gifts acceptable in the sight of God, and my gift is weighed in proportion with my ability to give. 

I recognize that quality seed produces a quality crop. Therefore, I will give quality seed and plant it into good soil so that I may reap a superior harvest. 

I consider Abraham a chief role model for my faith. As it is written, “He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” 

In this respect, as a believer; I am a child of Abraham. 

The Scripture foresaw that God would justify me through faith, and He announced the gospel to Abraham all those many years ago, saying, “All nations will be blessed through you.” 

Therefore, as a person of faith, I am blessed in the same ways that Abraham was, for he is the father of my faith. 

I am redeemed from the curse of the law! I am no longer bound by any of the financial curses that come from breaking the covenant. 

Jesus made a curse for me so that I could receive the very blessing of Abraham. 

I can now receive the promise of the spirit through faith. 

All of God’s financial blessings are now mine. 

When I believe them with my heart and speak them with my mouth, they become a reality in my life. 

In Jesus’ name,


Some Important Recommendations

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One response to “Most Powerful Prayer to Receive a Miracle of Money and Economic Stability”

  1. Avatar

    Please pray i get 70000 dollars by march please pray the witchcraft back to all involved