You, Will, Receive A Huge Sum Of Money With This Infallible Prayer. You will receive lots of money from unexpected sources. Are you craving or needing your finances to take a leap of fortune and your pockets become bulging?
If you want to attract money and get money, in a lasting way, this is the World’s Most Powerful Chant for Money with a prayer on video.
Prosperity is at your fingertips, make it come true with the most powerful prayer to get anything in seconds. This powerful prayer will help you on the path to having an abundance, believe in each of the words that you will be reciting, and attract it from within so that it materializes as you wish.
In every difficult situation, we feel trapped and that the answers do not come, even more so when we need money urgently, if this is your case, this prayer will be your best ally.
Believe that when you think of something that can come true, this thought will give you strength and momentum, and use them as instruments to have the prosperity you are crying out for.
Infallible Prayer
Father, I praise You and magnify Your holy name.
I trust You with all of my heart and delight in Your commandments.
They are peace to me, and I thank You for them.
I enjoy living by Your precepts. Through them, I am blessed beyond measure!
It is such a joy to dwell in Your presence. I am a child of God.
I dwell in Your house and enjoy the provision of Your matchless treasuries. I have a good life!
I am so blessed. You arm me with strength for every task.
You anoint me with power and shield me in the hedge of Your protection.
It is my pleasure to live by Your precepts.
Your Word is life to me. It is provision and abundance.
Father, a day in Your house is better than a thousand days in the world.
I would rather be a butler in Your house than dwell as a king in the tents of wickedness.
The riches and honor of this world are nothing compared to Your glorious provision.
To be honored by You is my ambition. To please You is my life.
Father, all of the bitter things in life are turned sweet in Your presence.
Your goodness rains down upon me daily. I am awed by such grace and mercy.
I wrap my hands in Your garments and claim You as mine forever.
You are my sun and my shield. Your grace and glory are mine evermore.
No good thing will You ever withhold from me.
I have it settled in my heart that I will trust You despite what my eyes may see.
Your blessings never fail, and Your Word always rings true.
I declare right now that You are God. You are all-powerful and all-knowing.
Nothing is impossible for You. No matter what my situation is, You are well able to provide for me.
I trust You with all of my heart and refuse to give in to the circumstances.
I believe in You, I will not cave into doubt and unbelief.
I recall all that You have accomplished in my life. You have done great and mighty works that defy explanation.
I remember. Thank You for always being there for me.
I know You will always be there for me. You fill me with my heart’s desires.
I will never forget, nor take for granted, the goodness You have shown me.
I make it my life’s commitment to live without greed or selfishness.
I refuse to be self-centered. I seek profit so that I may be a blessing and display Your goodness on all the earth.
With all of my heart, Father, I love You, believe in You, and trust You with unwavering confidence.
I am happy and prosperous, and I consistently do what is right.
My Father continually shows me His favor and assists me in doing His will so that I may enjoy the prosperity and success of His chosen ones.
I share in the joy of the church and join them in heartfelt praises to our God. In Jesus’ name
Some Important Recommendations
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